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Yemelyan Fomichev
Yemelyan Fomichev

Midnight Express YIFY

Doris Day, as an American married to an Englishman, is being terrorized in "Midnight Lace," also starring Rex Harrison, Myrna Loy, Roddy Mcdowall, and John Gavin. A scary voice speaks in the fog and calls her up on the phone - but she can't get anyone to believe her, even her beloved aunt (Loy) who wants to help but has her suspicions about her niece's mental health. The "midnight lace" is a neat title that refers to some sexy pajamas Kit (Day) buys for her Venetian trip with her husband (Harrison).The film is based on a play, "Matilda Cried Fire" and probably owes part of its plot to "Dial M for Murder," which was also a play and made into a film by Hitchcock. John Williams is on hand in this film as in "Dial M" as a police inspector.Unlike "Dial M for Murder," the film abounds with red herrings, so there are plenty of suspects. Roddy Mcdowall is the slimy son of Kit's housekeeper, and John Gavin is an attractive man who at one point comes to her rescue. There's also her neighbor, Peggy (Natasha Thompson). The acting is very good, the biggest and most dramatic role belonging to Day. Few people have enjoyed the variety of career that Day did. A wholesome-looking singer and vivacious actress, she was in in films from 1948. When she was in her late thirties, producer Ross Hunter took advantage of her prettiness and beautiful figure and moved her into glamor roles, making her the #1 box office star. If she's a little over the top in spots here, it's more the material than the actress, and she creates a very sympathetic and likable character. Loy, at 55, is beautiful and sexy. Harrison doesn't have a great deal to do, and Gavin is - well, Gavin, very handsome and charming. Herbert Marshall is part of the cast as well, and along with McDowall, Williams, and Thompson, make up a strong supporting cast.This movie isn't as good as some others of the same type, but it is very enjoyable and well produced. One of those great Sunday afternoon movies.Some trivia: A poster mentions that Harrison was distracted during the film because of the death of his wife, Kay Kendall. He was also distracted by the fact that he and Roddy McDowell had done a play together, for which McDowell had won a Tony. The elevator scene where they are all in the elevator together took a while to film so they were all stuck in a small space. McDowell said something and Harrison said, "Yes, and you can stick that Tony up your a** too."

Midnight Express YIFY

"Ararat", directed brilliantly by Atom Egoyan, is a film that will resonate with both parties that were involved in that long forgotten page of history that the world never seems to talk about. The sad story of that shameful incident is the basis of Mr. Egoyan's film.The action takes place in a film that Edward Saroyan is filming about the genocide. At another level we see an Armenian historian, Ani, lecture about what really happened. Ani's son is in love with his step-sister, something that seems repugnant to the mother. Celia, the object of Raffi's love, keeps showing up wherever Ani speaks to shame her.On another level, we see the how Raffi, having returned from a trip to Turkey is being interviewed by a Customs officer at the airport. We realize Raffi doesn't want to have the sealed film reels examined by the wise inspector. Their conversation go back and forth as one learns the truth.This multi layered film has the rich texture only a director like Atom Egoyam could give it. He is at his best, as he clearly proves in his direction. Arsinee Khanjian, plays Ani with such fire that she smolders the screen any time one sees her. Ms. Khanjian is one of the best interpreters of her husband's work. Her expressive face shows what clearly is going in her mind at any given moment.The rest of the cast responds well to the director's guidance. David Alpay, Christopher Plummer, Marie-Josee Croze, Elias Koteas, Eric Bogosian, Charles Aznavour and Bruce Greenwood, a veteran actor of some of Mr. Egoyan's films, do excellent acting in the film.The only problem for most viewers seem to involve not having any background to the tumultuous time the film depicts, thus making it a bit unapproachable. "Ararat", like "Hotel Rwanda" and films that have captured the human suffering, is a film to treasure.

This is one of those films that when it finishes you can't find words for a while, to express the feelings it stimulates. I was one of the few who saw this in the theater, and I was stunned by the power of the acting, and surprisingly enough, the writing.If after seeing this you can't see the futility of war, you've missed something. This is in the same class as All Quiet on the Western Front, Gallipoli, and Breaker Morant. 041b061a72


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